SensID revolutionizes molecular diagnostics with new metagenome control material

2. Mai 2024Unkategorisiert

Rostock, 2024 May 02,  SensID GmbH, a leading provider of quality assurance materials for the diagnostic industry, proudly announces the launch of its groundbreaking metagenome control material. This innovative solution promises to revolutionize molecular healthcare through the rapid identification of thousands of microbes. Traditional diagnostic methods often take precious time to identify a limited number … Read More

SensID GmbH Introduces the first ESR1 Mutations Reference Set for Cell-Free DNA Mutation Detection

15. November 2023Unkategorisiert

Rostock, 2023 Nov 23 – SensID GmbH, a leading provider of quality control materials for molecular diagnostic testing, is proud to announce the launch of a “ESR1 Reference Set (1% AF cfDNA).” This cutting-edge product is specifically designed as quality control material for laboratories currently developing/implementing ESR1 assays, making SensID the first in the market … Read More