
Ashkenazim son cfDNA

Ashkenazim son cfDNA is a highly characterized human DNA from cell lines. Manufactured for liquid biopsy assays in your laboratory or R&D department. Details on mutation status of specific genes and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data are freely available through the Personal Genome Project (PGP) and our own quality assurance.

SKU: SID-000003 Category:

Product description

Recommended use:

These products are ideal for digital PCR and/or Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). In particular:

1. Validation and development of sequencing protocols (e.g. Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Amplicon Sequencing) and PCR protocols
2. spike-in experiments with synthetic cfDNA
3. Control in workflow validations
4. Analyze the performance of your NGS pipeline by comparing to freely available datasets

5. Negative Control for EGFR mutations (p.G719S, p.E746_A750delELREA, p.S752_I759delSPKANKEI, p.S768I, p.V769_D770insASV, p.T790M, p.L858R, p.L861Q)

6. Negative Control for 5 Gene Multiplex mutations (AKT1 – p.E17K;BRAF – p.V600E; ERBB2 – p.Y772_A775dup; KRAS – p.G12D, p.Q61K, p.A146T; PIK3CA – p.E545K, p.H1047R)

7. Negative Control for PIK3CA-11 mutations 12.5% AF cfDNA (SID-000099) (C420R – E542K – E545A – E545D – E545G – E545K – Q546E – Q546R – H1047L – H1047R –  H1047Y)

Unit Size:
400 ng

20 ng/µl

Tris-EDTA (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA), pH 8.0

2-8 °C

stable for 24 months from date of manufacture (as supplied)

Quality control

Fragmentation size:
High Sensitivity DNA Kit Agilent

Allelic Frequency:
Next Generation Sequencing

UV-Vis Spectrophotometry (NIST-Reference method)

Technical background

Derived from:
The Genome In A Bottle (GIAB) cell line GM24385 (HG002- NA24385 – huAA53E0 – Ashkenazim son))

– lot specific sequencing files: LOT Search
– High-confidence variant calls:
– Raw datasets and bam files, currently including 10X Genomics, BioNano, Complete Genomics regular and LFR, 300x Illumina paired-end, Illumina 6kb mate-pair, 1000x Ion exome, custom moleculo libraries, ~0.05x Oxford Nanopore, and 70x/30x/30x PacBio:


Certificate of Analysis:

Batch Certificate

Lot: 00015

Lot: 00020

Lot: 00039

Lot: 00042

Lot: 00063

Lot: 00144

Lot: 00145

Lot: 00164

Lot: 00449

Lot: 00738

other Documents:

Instructions for use

Safety Data Sheet (SDS in other languages ​​available on request. Please contact the support.)